What listeners are saying

“Patterns” is an intensely immersive experience, balancing delicate, wistful minimalism, evocative electronic ornamentation and compelling moments of friction, all while finding room for deserts, mountains and several million stars in the stereo field. — Michael Jones, The Columbia Beet

A seamless, thought-provoking journey. Truly joyful. — For All and None (on The Tenth Wave, 2018)

An utterly beguiling work with true beauty and soul pouring out … completely love it! —  Ian Hawgood, label curator and ambient composer (on “Patterns,” 2023)

“A Need that Runs Too Deep” is a fuller, more confident musical statement than its predecessor, and the profundity Cook distills into these songs make them a perfect soundtrack for solitary late-night listening. — Free Times (Patrick Wall)

The Tenth Wave” … establishes Cook as a cunning composer, effective at using subtle melodic motifs and delicate layers to build momentum and motion, and to build quiet and thoughtful spaces for itself and its listeners. — Free Times (Patrick Wall, 2018)

… delicately layered soundscapes that reward full immersion with subtle movement. — Free Times (Bryan Reed)

When a musician has a past that is not rooted in their current music it tends to, in my opinion, put them in good stead. — Drifting Almost Falling (on “The Tenth Wave“)

“Hauntingly beautiful,” “like Bach on quaaludes” and “ECM meets the quieter moments of Dirty Three” — Other listeners